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Posted by:  JessicaP

Apr 6, 2015

I was having a laugh with other half about paying rent as he says I give a great BJ.. so we thought we'd do this little clip of me sucking cock getting spunked on and getting my rent for free .. lol

All Comments (42)
  • Hey any anal sex lovers here?
  • Why is this allowed when it's obviously professional?
  • She is so damn hot!
  • I just want to see you fuck.
  • She is Knockout and an enthusiastic CockSucker... But Always take the Cum Load in Your Mouth AND ALWAYS Swallow....
  • What a waste. Should have cum on her mouth. Then I would have voted superb. All that work for nothing.
  • too bad he had to do himself... and we never saw your good parts
  • Jessica, I'll pay your rent! You are super hot and sexy!!!
  • So Fekking hot I did not get to then en JP ;-) Next time Xx
  • Soooooo beautiful working that cock,lucky guy!
  • Wow! Yes please.
  • Jessi, you always rock it!! Thanks! Xxx
  • Jesus! That was hot!
  • Voted superb but for once I would like to see the camera operator, male of female, be taken care of after the clip:)
  • If you were paying your rent you must live in a dumpster, cause a blow/hand job is worth about $ if anyone would give you more they are a fucking idiot.