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Posted by:  Wife and Neighbor

Apr 28, 2015

Husband had shown the neighbor just how to reach that spot, and now she cums again and again.

All Comments (38)
  • What beautiful pussy!
  • nice for them both.
  • Love seeing this horny lady get pleasured. She seems to enjoy it so much.
  • I would not have wasted all her cum on a towel.
  • She just keeps getting better
  • SteveTX To a couple who knows how to have fun too, thanks for the encouragement! mtnkatt What a encouraging and sweet comment! Thank you. oldsalty2 AGREED! Suertudo2 Thank you to both for all your beautiful and eloquent comments! Much appreciated. Kane0Z Glad you enjoyed! Thanks Thanks to all for the positive feedback and encouraging posts! You have made HC a great experience!
  • What a woman you are, to share your man like this...
  • WE absolutely love to watch this gorgeous lady enjoy her sexuality as well as the fact the her hubby enjoys watching her pleasure and obviously enjoys sharing her. Any chance that we will be seeing her with another sexy lady in the future? stevetamiswing@
  • She is amazing. You are the best on here bar none.
  • Now stick your cock in her and make her come again.
  • There is something about your vids that just keeps me coming back to play them over and over - it must be a combination of a wife as pretty and hot as yours, with such a supple, eotic body mixed with her having so much fun fucking both you and your neighbor. And the anticipation of what a new contri may show her doing is even better - she never disappoints us (or your neighbor and you!), and we all hope you'll keep the contris coming (every pun intended!), the sooner and more often the better.
  • Any video with a woman cumming gets a big score from us - and this one is superb! kkmmaa69@
  • Neighbors that fuck together, stay together! Next time you go over to his house to get your wife laid, take a few lights.
  • Just stay with fucking her - keep it simple. Hey where's the neighbor's wife?
  • Maybe you shouldn't be telling the neighbor all your secrets dude!

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