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Posted by:  nini

Nov 2, 2012

All Comments (15)
  • Am I the first person to see these photos since I commented on them five years ago? Really?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Let me say it is again :  It is so nice to see more photos of Nini. Here's hoping that there will be more tomorrow (knock on wood!)
  • It is so nice to see more photos of Nini. Here's hoping that there will be more tomorrow (knock on wood!). 
  • Please show more of that pussy to made my cock throb hard seeing a glimpse of ! Your tits are cock is dying to slap on turned me on big time! Any chance for more? Share? Dying to show you the results! ;) Thanks and voted superb! perrysteven888@
  • Thought you would like to know that his masturbatory male is getting a lot of pleasure from beautiful Nini!
  • love the pics your so hot, love to trade with ya. grizzly112211@
  • Reference picture #5: Now that's one damned lucky lil sunflower !
  • Wow is she a Sweet tease or what !!!! can she slide a big fun toy in ! mmmmmm ncdave28570@
  • Now thats scary!!! Go away!!
  • I wish that I could have someone just like her in my life (and on my bed).
  • Totally hot here. Would love to see how she is in bed.
  • Very nice looking woman, more please
  • Survey says "10" Superb vote. So fucculent. docsleeve24@
  • A SUPERB 10 all the way A Magnificent Asian Goddess I would love to take you in my arms and cover every inch of your magnificent, perfect, naked body with passionate hot wet kisses Michael michaelpatrick55@
  • A gorgeous face, and figure of a REAL WOMAN!!!!
  • Poor!

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