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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Posted by:  LB

May 2, 2015

Thanks to a very awesome wife and the help of a friendly couple we met out there last year I had a very lucky Vegas (work) trip this year! They scooped me up Friday night and took me out to their place... then Monday night I got a proper booty call. Her hubby and my wife both wanted pictures so of course we obliged. And yes, wifey got a good welcome home fuck out of it too. I have permission to post these... super cool couple.

All Comments (19)
  • Is anyone up for sex?
  • great contri, hope that you have more share of this encounter. We have been swinging for years and LOVE it. WE have a trip scheduled for vegas later this year, wish we knew your connection out there, she looks gorgeous. Maybe you could pass on our @
  • We'd love t see more of that encounter and that great body of hers. kkmmaa69@
  • VERY sexy!
  • Hell there isn't a man that would turn her down, or kick her out of bed. She could pass as a school teacher just add glasses on her. to excite you more.
  • Now that is one great story, one hot women, and one superb sexlife you have there.
  • who wouldn't fuck her? Awesome body
  • She has a great body, like to fill her booty with my hard cock and hot cum. daves-fun@
  • sppendid lady
  • Awesome and thank you for sharing!
  • I think it's a HOT story and I love the pictures. Thanks!
  • we are also in the lifestyle and stay at paris when in town find us hotbeachcouple on .com
  • Not sure I buy the story, but the pics were ok.
  • Mmmmm yummmy fun babe !!!! more please Mmmmmmm
  • Great looking lady and two understanding spouses - some guys have all the luck! This contri reminds me of watching my wife getting really well fuck by a guest, using all of those positions. It looks like you were taking the pix via remote - her husband wasn't there to watch and then join in?!?! Next time see if he will take vids so we can see this hottie on HC, too - and he should have a tripod, too, to catch you and him both entertaining her. Hope to see a lot more, soon and often.