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Posted by:  Tammy

May 9, 2015

At home

All Comments (14)
  • awesome
  • Awesome shots! I like her ass and big tits!
  • punisher you have no dick and would not know what to do with it if you did.
  • Enough butt cheek cheese to provoke upchuck.
  • BTW, vacquero wrote "a woman with a breast.... ; Of course, if you really want to excite vacquero, you would have to provide a picture of "a child without parental ;
  • Okay, look at this. You have nine bashers only one set of pictures submitted among them (and I'm willing to bet those were stolen anyway). That should tell you everything you need to know about their mentality and more importantly, their lack of either.
  • Cottage cheese with tits. You have yourself something there. I have no idea what it is. But from the comments below, no one else does either. Poor vote.
  • Even a year on a stairmaster would not help. Poor.
  • poor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Boringly bored!
  • Nope.
  • a woman with a breast.... wow
  • Is that all, one boob ?