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Posted by:  Angela

Jul 27, 2015

A good friend of mine came up from Florida to spend a few days with me at my place in the Tenn. mtns. She wanted to lay out nude and of course I agreed here is a short video...

All Comments (20)
  • I always seem to end up on my knees
  • my chiwawa does the same
  • I thought the dog was going to lick her pussy...
  • perfect furry pussy
  • Sorry about your loss. She's apparently dead
  • Your wife, passed out from too much alcohol, how original!! At least get her a pillow.
  • Did she pass out or was she drugged?? Most people lay on towels or a blanket.
  • If the little dog had ambled over and licked her clit, THEN you'd have had a video.
  • At least the dog was moving.
  • she is wearing a wedding ring... get original
  • Looks like she was almost passed out from drinking.
  • Chairs and grass everywhere.... but she decides to sprawl out on the concrete? I call BS... looks like a wasted morning after to me.
  • Holy crap man, all you need is a chalk outline to make it a crime scene. Could of at least given her a towel to lay on.
  • PERV check on Suertudo2 the village 'mon, just do us all a favor and STFU.......
  • Lovely body, shaved pussy and bling! Maybe have her move around a bit next time.

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