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Posted by:  Dojo

Aug 5, 2015

I decided for my last post, I’d lose the micro bikinis! As I mentioned in the previous posts, I recently broke up with my BF, who gave me the bikinis. I’m trying to move on, but to be honest, it’s hard because I’m still in love with him. In fact, I’m wondering if he has seen my posts and if so what does he think? Does he miss me? He is a good man and I thought he loved me but I guess I was wrong. So, I’m just taking it a day at a time and posting to try to cheer me up:-) But, I would have rather been posting here for him:-( I know I’m not the greatest photographer so please keep that in mind. I wish I had someone who I trusted to take the pics for me!

All Comments (99)
  • Dojo, I hope you feel much better soon. I don’t know how any man could leave you. You’re a beautiful lady with a body any woman would die for. You are nice just good looking, you are amazing and so sexy.
  • Love these shots and your beautiful body, you love to show us your spread and we love seeing your spread legs, more please.
  • Him leaving you makes little sense, please continue to share with us here!! Videos of you in ecstasy please!!!!
  • yummmmy spread,,, !!!!! any big fun toy's to tease us too ? thank's
  • And you really do like to expose yourself. You are very pretty, and I like the way you spread your legs and show your sex. I would like to meet you. Please come to LA
  • What I'd give to hold you in my arms and kiss you. It says a lot about you that a BF started this and when he left you kept doing it. I imagine you're an amazing woman to be with, adore and love on!
  • Your pussy is making me hungry!!!!
  • I think I love you:). Wow what a perfect body. Goddess
  • You can go to the beach with me and my wife. We three would have a great time
  • I'm sure he is a ggod man as I'm sure you are not are awesome and fantastic, sexy and ,, life is really bad sometimes
  • A fool indeed for letting a beauty like you go. I would love to have a partner as free as you are.
  • Simply awesome more Jerry
  • i know how to use one!
  • He's a fool ! He's a sexy,beautiful woman !!
  • Mature women are the HOTTEST! Great pictures! Keep 'em CUMing! rockmanTN50@

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