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Posted by:  Viviana

Aug 31, 2015

Una chica sexy vecina en South Gate California le arreglo sus computadoras...

All Comments (35)
  • Alguien debería haberle explicado a MASTERUDY 1 lo que significa la palabra "desnudo" y que su colección de fotos sin desnudos estaba bien para Facebook, ¡pero una completa pérdida de tiempo aquí!  ¡Una foto desnuda borrosa y desenfocada también es una completa pérdida de tiempo!
  • Wow! Super teasing huge ass and boobs!
  • WTF? ? ? Is there any part of this woman that is real. Get a life!
  • Get naked and show your pussy. Boobs are not nice.
  • Sorry but my cock isn't big enough to reach through those butt cheeks. Pass.
  • Apparently in the brief time between posts, totoo and vacquero blew each other and made up. Isn't love beautiful?
  • got some pretty big boobs and booty
  • be nude--way better than kim k ..
  • ignore the fat post. but really show some skin. this is not face book its ok here
  • ridiculous fat women
  • Good grief, that's a lot of ass! (Too bad the pics are, as others have said, not all of the same woman.)
  • Which girl is which AND who's who in Azzuza's Zoo??? Made a mistake by voting SUPERB! ME BAD!
  • Please please please. Expose that ass and those tits for us to enjoy! Please!
  • POOR because the story is BS. These are three different women, not the sexy neighbor with a broken computer. Guess those Kim Kardashian like asses are photoshoped as well.
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