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Posted by:  GraLoveable

Sep 10, 2015

After missing the morning train to work and having to wait for the next train over 1/2 hour, she decided to pass the time and enjoy the morning warmth of the sun and pose for some photos.

All Comments (86)
  • Don't care for the jewelry, but the rest looks great.
  • Great body but the metal looks stupid.
  • Debbie your picture are great , but would love to see new ones keep the pussy shaved please. thanks.
  • you are the poser for all statues of a real woman--I would be in Heaven if I were in the same bed as you love your post
  • Ink and metal don't belong on a woman.
  • Sexy body, I'm not for the body bling
  • If you had a bush you could almost be a Betty Paige double. just a gorgeous body. and beautiful face.
  • Now that is a real woman
  • what a beautiful sexy woman
  • there a re no words to describe how erotic diva u r to me .. it wud be a dream to make love to u.. i love curves n u are a curve goddess ..muuwah .. love n lotsaa cum .. Gaur.. ggsexn@
  • Superb!! Please post more you have awesome titties, nipples, ass and legs. Please post more show us some close up nipple and pussy shots.
  • I am so glad you missed the train. You are so incredibly sexy. Unfortunately the piercing critics cannot see past their own bias. You are a beautiful woman thank you sharing your beauty with me..
  • Would've loved to see you strip to nude at the trainstation...! ^_^
  • sexy as hell, but loose the piercings.
  • I love your totaly naked body. Hope to see more soon.