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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Posted by:  Competitors

Nov 14, 2015

Hi All, I was in a wet t-shirt contest at Fantasy Fest last week and here are some of my competitors for your viewing pleasure. ;-) Enjoy! Julie P. XOXOXOXOXO

All Comments (27)
  • AND I WILL SAY IT AGAIN :  Who can really " compete " with Julie P on a bar stage? OK, maybe a couple of the women we saw in Blue Cheer's NAP photos c. 2011-2012. But, brava, Julie P!
  • rfzooxtsla, If your pussy feels like it is “in fire” you’re due for a quick trip to the free clinic. Go now!
  • Who can really " compete " with Julie P on a bar stage? OK, maybe a couple of the women we saw in Blue Cheer's NAP photos c. 2011-2012. But, brava, Julie P!
  • Welcome to Skankville...
  • thanks for the pictures was there and we enjoyed the were great and so were the others
  • nice, thanks
  • Tatoo fest,I think not.
  • keep it coming!
  • more more more
  • So many attractive young women fucking up their bodies with tattoos, what the hell are the thinking??Oh yeah I forgot they weren't (thinking)
  • Awesome!
  • I have to get to Key West for Fantasy Fest one of these years.
  • Please don't ink your perfect body like those other freak show wannabes! They're pretty women that ruined great sexy bodies! Please stay natural and sexy!
  • Definitely go next year! It's so fun!
  • Haha. It's my entertainment against those insecure dickless pricks who couldn't even get it up with the blue pill. My man cums three times straight and I'm not insecure. So thank you for being a real man! :-*