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Posted by:  Melissa

Nov 20, 2015

When I walked into the gym, the door to one of the locker rooms was open and I got this view. It turned me on, cause I know this girl. She lives one block away.

All Comments (20)
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  • Your mother?
  • Looks like she has a muscular boyfriend
  • Complete BS - mixed locker room, really.
  • With that cute,sexy ass, she would not have to live a block away to get me pics
  • i am sure that all the post on here get the ok to post, really, come on,,,,,, no face, no problem
  • thanks
  • Good candid shot Now go introduce yourself and fuck her
  • Did you have/get her permission to take/post the pix? You should check out the story about the college athlete charged with capturing/distributing an unclothed person and using computers to commit a crime. VW should never had posted these pix without proof of her consent and should immediately remove them.
  • You'd be in for one big surprise if that guy on the bench was her husband & then he saw you taking pics !! - - - leehall_89122@
  • pure voyeurism
  • Even I live in Mexico, where laws are not as strict as in US, I think these pictures go beyond the limits of "Nude in public", "topless in public" or "what I saw". You are in a private property and should respect all individuals there. I suggest retire these pictures.
  • Must be a coed locker room,there's a guy right in front of her on the bench
  • wonder if she knew the door was open :-)
  • You have no business taking this picture. In fact it is quite illegal- you should be prosecuted.