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Posted by:  Kimberly

Nov 30, 2015

Kim was a little wasted after a concert..

All Comments (37)
  • LMFAO!!!! Dude, you should be ashamed. Fist you can't get that thing hard at all then you force her to do what appears to be a blowjob, but looks more like her pumping water from the well. I may be mistaken, but I think I counted that she fell asleep at least 5 times during and you wake her up by smacking her in the face with your limp dick? C'mon dude, that's just criminal.
  • A little wasted? Hell. She's shit-faced. LMAO Thanks for sharing!!
  • If that's a blow job I don't want one. More like a mouth cock pull which is fine.
  • I won't let my wife see this in case she thinks that's how it's done....
  • she needed a hard cock to work with. like to have seen her pussy and tits.
  • that is wasted, but entertaining none the less. thanks for sharing
  • Most boring blowjob in recorded history
  • A little wasted, I 's with the soft cock, you wasted too? :-)
  • nothing to say ... speechless
  • I thought she had a trunk at first... Oh my..... lol
  • Bless Her Heart...
  • I differ than the others who criticized the video, the others had their cocks in their own hands shooting all over their own stomachs, all by themselves.........
  • thinking the bigest waste was giving the soft cock a blow job he should have gotten hard first what a loser
  • More comedy with Kim!! She looked like she was going to bite the end off your dick, and you don't have anything extra there to lose. Pathetic! but, you have to have balls to post this rubbish.

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