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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Posted by:  John

Feb 15, 2016

Sex Education - Detailed Video On Shaving Pubic hair for man without cutting the skin. Watch it till end and don't miss the awesome dripping precum..

All Comments (8)
  • love the uncut cock
  • That portion where your penis precums so very liberally is so fucking hot! And you know it too don't you? You got excited at the idea of us all watching your penis get shaved and even more so when the pecum began to flow. Would luv to see where it all collected as to how much was there.
  • ,,,,,,as it secretes from the urethra due to the uncontrollable arousal of the penis, and explain to the class that htis is simply a natural physical reaction to such stimuli. Next while further cleansing the penis swells and begins to spurt orgasm juices, it becomes necessary to place the mouth entirely around the head and contain every surging spurt of warm exciting ejaculations.
  • Or as part of the educational tutorial I could display how to properly cleanse a foreskin penis by pulling back the skin, exposing the sensitive penis head, and cleansing it with a warm tongue while capturing every precious pearl of,, precum
  • How about slowly pulling the forskin back to expose that sensitive penis head next time to thrill us all.
  • Oh how thrilling that was to watch so much sweeet precom ooze from that nice penis! That must have been quite the thrill to be showing your beautiful cock to so many people while imagining there would be those like me getting excited about your delicious precum! labiasmoochr@yahoo
  • Pre-cum looks great. would have liked to see him unload. Hey, Don90x, I could make your cock grow like that. hblsr@
  • It's good to see a small cock like mine.

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