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Posted by:  Candy

Feb 29, 2016

Hi everyone in HC world, Its been a few months since my last post. I have always wanted to try a Sybian sex toy, but never liked the price tag on it, so my husband thought he would try to make one for me. This is what he came up with, it feels really good and Ive used this numerous times and have made a few videos. This is our latest one, this toy is sooo intense I can hardly stand it, but it makes me cum really really good, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did, if you like it vote superb for me and Ill send in some more! xoxox Candy

All Comments (33)
  • You are a fine woman
  • A sybian is worth every ; My "ex" got mad at me for spending so much money on a sex toy until she tried it ; Since then, it has been ridden by many a woman and each one begs me to give it to ;
  • Cessna? No, this sounds more like Stannley Steemer getting the dirt out. Maybe some more Crisco on that ball and you'll sit right down. I see a future here! How about adding it to women's public toilet seats and having a quarter for two minute rides? How about a car option for that shift nob between bucket seats? I claim 10% royalty!
  • Lucky Husband Love your BIG ASS!!
  • Sounds like a Cessna flying over. Fuck that hole baby.
  • Nice video
  • Nice trailer hitch!
  • Great vid of you Great boobs and we enjoyed watching your shaved pussy and curvy ass in action !
  • poor machine
  • Outstanding!
  • Love those tits and wide ass
  • Very sexy and sensual darlin. You are an amazing woman. Keep the posts ummin
  • Your one sexy lady. Would love to see more.
  • Holy crap! What's in that thing?
  • Lovely orgasm darling - keep 'em cumming! kkmmaa69@

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