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Posted by:  Brazilian Girls

Aug 18, 2016

Duas amigas pedem para um macho passar creme em seus corpos e suas bundas deliciosas, na praia do janga, na cidade de paulista. Imagina o cheiro delicioso dessas bundas suadas e quentes.

All Comments (9)
  • I need a real Cock to suck now
  • Really! This is like watching grass grow.
  • Great asses! Pity about the bikini tops. In the bad old days before topless caught on in Europe, women would untie their bikini tops when lying on their fronts so they didn't get tan lines on their backs.
  • waste of electricity
  • this girl manages his bike with a dildo in the seat.... h
  • that big ass is awesome
  • Like he's roasting potatoes... where's the steak?
  • love that big ass. id have a large erection
  • Why didn't he do the legs and crotch on the skinny girl? Big girl was his main squeeze? Got a lot of oil out of that tiny package.

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