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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Posted by:  Selma Brasil

Aug 20, 2016

Nesse dia eu, aline e meu corninho fomos para esse motel, encontrar 4 amigos roludos. Meu corno apenas fotografava e filmava tudo, enquanto os machos nos foderam de todas as formas e em todos os buracos. Nessa parte do FILME o amigo JR enfia tudo na buceta de Aline, que estava com medo de dar o CU a ele, mas acabou sendo fodida na bunda por todos.

All Comments (10)
  • love how she rides that cock. like to fuck those nice tits
  • Tired of seeing same old same old.
  • AGree, the slow motion is pretty bad and the sound is worst. Rated POOR>
  • stop with the dumb-ass slow motion shit..............
  • Not a lot of creativity, but what the FUCH? It is, after all, from Brazil where this is their champion event. Selma, baby, why not ask Hillary whether you can ASSume the POSITION of our next ambASS ader to your great land?
  • sorry camera guy she got fucked
  • Very sexy.
  • And a clean lens helps too.
  • Instead of playing with special effects like slow motion, learn about focus, lighting and framing the image!
  • Whole lotta butt fucking going on down there. Aline looks like a good fuck. She a friend or a pro?