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Posted by:  ankacift

Nov 8, 2012

I, my wife, my wife's lover and his big cock

All Comments (31)
  • Great fun.
  • My wife and I have been married since 1967 and were swingers 1978 thru 1985. The 8 years we were swinging was the BEST YEARS OF OUR MARRIED LIFE "BAR NONE". I would love to get back into swinging lifestyle but my wife says she is too old and no guy would want to fuck her like they did when she was young and 34D - 26 - 34 and a DOLL with the tightest and sweetest tasting pussy you ever ate!!! here is no greater thrill than watching your wife fucking one or more guys at the saame time and screaming out her climax!!! Don't ever stp you will never get started again.
  • I too love my wide being fucked by big beautiful gorgeous dicks. I love when a friend thumps his ass and balls against my wife's butts and pussy. It's such an amazing scene. I recently allowed my wife have sex with her boyfriend and both made love in front of me, it was amazing watching my wife being taken in arms and brought on bed by her boyfriend. He then removes her clothes one by one and sucks her hard, the way she moaned, it was so amazing. My wife's boyfriend is in Indian Navy and is an amazing guy with taut and athletic body. He sucked my wife and I loved how my wife made noises and the way her body was writhing in pleasure, I simply loved her being fucked hard.
  • güzel kadın
  • çok güzel resimler gerçekten muhteÅŸem:) coupleist@ eklerseniz seviniriz
  • hot very hot
  • Don't get you swingers...
  • i would almost pay to guide a big cock into my wifes sweet lucky people!!
  • Please consider contributing to Homeclips!!!
  • And You Folks Thought You Were Alone, Hey?No Way, It's All GooD!
  • NICE! Yeah, the negative comments are all from homophobes with their own repressed same sex attractions, and/or jealous guys who's wives are more frigid than a Frigidaire. I would love to see more of your party! email me and/or hit me up in the RCBB. sculptor108@
  • like a 10 incher......
  • Great pics, I think all those that have made negative comments are just jealous they never get any hot action like this, thanks for posting. I'd love to see more, please?
  • MacGreek gay Dude, you looked to and the guys hands on the other guts balls didn't bother you?
  • you sucked his balls while he fucked er didn't you!! hahahaha

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