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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Posted by:  Kat

Sep 22, 2016

Gettin' high and givin' head! My friend came over and we decided to make a little vid. In this one she wears her new white dress. Enjoy!

All Comments (22)
  • You are a lucky guy. She is fabulous.
  • that was the dumbest thing i've ever seen
  • Mmmmm, MRSA, STDs, Hepatitis....
  • we need to see that body, for a good vote. hope you try again
  • Sad
  • Hoe's will do anything for weed....
  • Fail
  • What was happening at the end???
  • This gal know how to suck one, she takes it deep, no hands!
  • ?????? Guess it's okay if you are into tats and feet?????
  • All I have to say is WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!
  • could it be any worse? NO Looks like you live in a flea market. what were you thinking? Obviously you weren't.
  • piss poor pic. The photographer must have been embued on the same pills in her drink. No tit shots, no wide spreads, no nips, barely see the room. PORN: NO SOCIALLY REDEEMING QUALITY. Aname is better! Bathroom graffitti superior to this trash. Even the silly nude beach shots pass this by!
  • Pretty Woman BUT: Bad lighting, filming the floor, not enough of her body etc, etc.
  • fucken boring!