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Posted by:  Lety

Dec 26, 2016

Aqui esta de nuevo para ustedes en diferentes formas y situaciones pero siempre mostrando lo atractivo de ella que su gran cantidad de pelos asi que manden sus comentarios calientes..

All Comments (23)
  • Love her bush!
  • Nasty pussy!!!!
  • Trash! Waste! POOR!
  • I remember when all women had hair like this.. I liked it; like playing in the jungle.. It is Natural to explore.
  • Never!!!
  • Poor, poor, poor!
  • If any teenage boys look at this, they will stay away from women and girls for years!
  • Sweet little belly, delightful bush, tempting pussy... if I had the destination, I'd be searching for airline tickets!
  • More please! Love the fur but let us see the rest of the package!!!!
  • Tame that thing!
  • Love it bushy and mysterious. Don't shave that beauty.
  • Frick yes, there's a penny in has been feeding this meter for a long time. See if you can get your fist through that beautiful mound and stir the pot until it boils over, then lap up the sauce that oozes out. Better watch out for the HE BEAR that might not take kindly to your talk about shavers. He might just make you a bald one!
  • That's not a bush, it's a forest.
  • Is there a pussy in there somewhere? Not for me.