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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Posted by:  La Morenita

Apr 6, 2017

Nos fuimos de 4some. La pasamos super bien con esta otra pareja. Ellas bien bellacas se comieron los totos y los penes. 

All Comments (28)
  • if only there were a video of @
  • again poor lighting and no faces
  • Video of 4sum?...
  • Work on picture quality please.
  • Fun Women !!
  • debe ser toda una experiencia... ha de ser riquisimo, pasar de una a otra, una pastillita azul para darle bateria a las dos y que todos esten contentos. como vez un video? estaria padre.
  • better luck next time, lugnut
  • Yes,better pictures and that shit would be a lot hotter
  • Great couples, just a bit more of focus and lighting. Try again please?
  • De donde son? Puerto Rico? 
  • Terrible photography but has real potential. Turn up the lights and please try again
  • Que fotos mas malas, lousy pics. Rated Poor although it has potential for next time. Hagan mejor trabajo la proxima vez.
  • why bother posting yal ever heard of previewing your pics- so much potential
  • The only thing that's wrong was the camera and the light, and yes I could do a better job, to bad they could have been great shots
  • that's 2 great asses