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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Posted by:  Julie

May 27, 2017

The Annual World Naked Gardening Day (WNGD)! People across the globe are encouraged, on the first Saturday of May to tend their portion of the world's garden unclothed as nature intended.

All Comments (73)
  • Brava, Julie! Superb as she is pretty much always is. How wonderful it would be to Julie doing some naked gardening in my back yard! Brava, Julie!
  • What an amazing body. When is naked garden boning day?
  • I celebrate naked gardening day every day the sun shines. I wish you were my neighbour - I'd be over to help you out every day.
  • I think we should celebrate naked gardening day more often, like all spring and summer. ;-)
  • What a beautiful body!!!
  • Sexy
  •  Come in my garden sweetie I have some seeds to plant  between your legs 
  • Fantastica
  • Sweet !!!
  • hot
  • Bend over again there, sweetheart, I feel like doing a bit of fertilization.
  • SUPERB!!!Please write me: truemale666@ We can trade some would like to tell you my fantasies about your HOT adore you.......
  • Watch-out for ticks!
  • I do not have a favorite picture in your post, its all amazing, beauty, boobs and body; you've got it all. Looking forward to seeing of you, loved the way you garden honey!! Fantastic job Ralph T vwfan1966@