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Posted by:  Kate

Aug 2, 2017

Kate was horny and after eating her box to an orgasm, she returned the favor.  She always swallows, thats one of the reasons why I love her!

All Comments (58)
  • wow, she's ; So pretty and very talented!
  • One favor always deserves a trick and treat 8=D~O: ♫♫Oh, what a lucky dude U is♫♫
  • She's stunning
  • She is a keeper ,,,lucky you ........................................................
  • what a cutie!!
  • chicks pretty damn good at everything i seen so sending
  • and gets every drop. Love her.
  • cute girl
  • Oh my it is so great when a woman loves her work and enjoys the tasty reward as well.  It all shows with her great smile.  Hope you show us more.
  • What a cutie!  I was looking forward to a facial or seeing her titties splattered!  Surprise! She is a swallower!  Good girl!!  I look forward to seeing more of her!  Thanks  fordman@
  • Very pretty & nice
  • Lucky guy, to have such a lovely, and talented WOMAN!!!!
  • what could be better?
  • Love the smile
  • Sure, Ham - on the internet, everybody who doesn't post is sporting a foot-long.  And if you really are carrying a cannon, consider it a gift - you certainly didn't Earn it.  She looks happy, and I'll wager it's not because this is her first cock.  In summary: he's obviously happy, and she's happy, and all the other viewers and most commenters are all happy.  So why be an asshole?