Hey, quick translation of Motley's and NippleFreak's comment: "WAAAAH! THAT MEAN OLE PUNISHER IS BEING MEAN TO US! IT'S OKAY FOR US TO CALL WOMEN RUDE AND ABUSIVE THINGS, BUT PUNISHER TREATS US LIKE WE TREAT THE WOMEN HERE AND THAT'S NOT FAIR! WAAAAAH!" How pathetic you guys at 5:00 in the morning every single morning abusing women and obsessing about ; Don't EVEN attempt to claim you have lives given that ; As to my "negativity," it's hilarious you morons make that claim considering that you apparently don't feel your rude comments to the women here are "; How does it feel to go through life being both so stupid AND so cowardly?
Yep, as always, there go the assorted assholes like vwulf, Avaguy, Nipple Freak, Fotoguy, Cavendish, roc76, Sjonny, Mr_Fingers, tristan, vacquero, likes2lookalot, rugrat3, rbuz1957, doorgunner70, Hairypussylover, woodstockone, etc., bashing the women here and chasing them ; Why? Because if you take a look at their profiles you'll instantly notice how they have no friends, no women, and no ; How pathetic they must be to feel that their only "power" is their ability to bash women anonymously.
Posted by: Ivett
Aug 3, 2017
I like her pussy so much! I would hide it for everyone, but it would be a mistake I think... What is your opinion?