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Posted by:  Olivia

Sep 6, 2017

So he started doing this weird thing to me with his lips that sounded so bad that, at first, I wanted him to stop . . . and then I didn’t! At the point this excerpt starts he had already been working on me for a bit, but if you look (and listen) closely you will note that during the entire clip, I am cumming. So hard in fact, that I finally beg him to stop! No matter how long you have been together they can still surprise you.

All Comments (34)
  • Nice!
  • We didn’t see anything!
  • Works okay once in a while.
  • THX! I'll surely try this!!!
  • A new thing to try!  Thanks!
  • Nothing I have done or seen before, ; whatever ; If a couple were doing this in a swing venue/house party, I would probably move ; The noise is ;  I may watch a couple do this once, but not ;  THANKS for sharing!
  • very godd, but a little bit too short.....
  • I had a lover many years ago who could ONLY cum that way - good effort. We love watching and hearing Olivia cum - more please! Superb! kkmmaa69@
  • Motor boating!!!!
  • I do that for my woman quite often,,,, I get the same sexy reaction! I make her wait till she is really hot, and about to cum, then finish her off that way. BTW,,,, You are very sexy, and I'd love to see more clips of you,,,, please, let those sexy tits out!
  • Ya just got to love a good pussy eater be in man or woman. Good job.
  • new thechnique.. I´m to try tonight with my GF
  • That was like a pussy blow job!? 
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