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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Posted by:  Friend

Jun 1, 2018

A young wife I worked with and use to do with her hubby's consent. 

All Comments (49)
  • If you believe the photographer’s story about these photos you probably also believe that a generous Ukrainian billionaire will pay you $10-million to help him bring $100-million into the United States and all you have to do is give him your checking account number and your social security number. Right? Of course you do! BUT ..........                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Much respect to her for her self-confidence in displaying her pussy so nicely! Brava to her, whatever her name is!
  • If your pussy feels like it is "in fire" you could have the Monkey Pox! Go to the free clinic. Get medical treatment! Now!
  • Nice bush. Get her nekkid
  • Fantastic shots and thanks, keep posting I am looking forward to seeing and hearing more from you. Ralph T vwfan1966@
  • sexy sexy upskirt .... cool ... hot in Nylons .and no panty. please more and have you got high heel sandals?
  • Would be nice to see more pics of her bush
  • Mmmmmmmm sweet and sexxxy   ,,,  !!!!!!! ncdave28570@
  • Very nice!
  • very sexy let see the naked body 
  • i could think of a lot of things to do with her..
  • I like the look of her. I have a question though. Aren't all wives married? "Married Wife" seems a bit redundant.
  • very hot. we are a young couple from germany. do you want to trade pics with ous? our email is: mdagos@
  • WOW! She´s so ;
  • Hermosa
  • She's very pretty! I could "work" with her!