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Posted by:  Brazilian Girl

Jul 23, 2018

Delicious wife from Pina Beach, Recife City, Brazil .. Exibindo a deliciosa bundinha..

All Comments (8)
  • ... go find a NUDE beach. NUDE beach? Yes, NUDE beach.
  • STILL 100% TRUE IN 2023 :  It's not "deliciosa" if the buttocks cleavage ("ass crack") is covered with cloth! The [extremely generous] score of [one point nine eight six] out of a possible [five point zero zero zero] says it all! Please, go find a NUDE ;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              IN OTHER WORDS : No nudity = Waste time, lose money, pound sand, suck wind, dry hustle, bum kicks! EPIC FAIL! Next contestant please!
  • I've been to I have seen mostly naked at the beaches!!
  • It's not "deliciosa" if the buttocks cleavage ("ass crack") is covered with cloth! The score of out of a possible says it all! Please, go find a NUDE beach.
  • Please stop this ;
  • what is this crap?
  • These BS posts need to stop.
  • Beautiful !!!

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