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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Posted by:  Mrs Behappy

Nov 23, 2018

Hi friends.  I been following VW for years.  I took some pics in the past of my wife but my skills are lacking as a photographer.  So I contacted a photographer that I met on VW.  I showed my wife his pics and she liked them so much that she said she would model for him if given the chance.  I jumped at the opportunity to have my wife model for such a skilled photographer that we flew across the country to shoot with him.  These are some of the results.  Enjoy!  My wife loves reading the comments with me and with enough encouragement she might be willing to post more!  Help me out guys!  Shes an absolute Goddess and amazing model!  I'm a lucky guy!

All Comments (122)
  • I love her
  • She's a fantastic model. Glad you were able to find a skilled photog to showcase her beauty. Love it.
  • perfect size, shape, and nipples on my favourite type of ; thank you.
  • Wow, wow wow. She is beautiful and so sexy!
  • pic 15 6 7 took my heart away  ...muuaawh.. love kisses hugs n lotssa cum all over you $lutty $exy desirable babe ..Gaur ,, ggsexn@
  • Thanks for ; She is a knockout.
  • Stunningly Beautiful!
  • Comonofo, Thanks, We appreciate it.
  • just commented on the other contri, not realizing that I would get to see more of this beauty. She is absolutely stunning in every aspect. (See comments on your other post). Thanks so much for sharing and I will definitely be watching for more of her. Thank you both for sharing here!
  • She is astonishing beautiful, and the whole set is both very stylish and erotic. Being a big fan of the game between a naked Lady posing and a clothed man directing and shooting the pics this is very much into my realm of likings. Even your avatar pic is erotic 
  • RalphT, Laser hair removal.
  • I forgot to mention, loved the pubic grooming, what's her secret Ralph T vwfan1966@
  • Maravilhosa, vou acompanhar as fotos. Parabéns e obrigado por compartilhar 
  • Great photos.  Over time I think you will even happier that you took them and preserved that beauty forever.
  • Awesome!!!