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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Posted by:  Fit Joanne

Nov 28, 2018

Sunbathing Topless / G-String since 1993!! Never a Hassle! ...Never Arrested ...Never a problem... I guess the Cops and Lifeguards were In Love?!?!

All Comments (47)
  • Love  your hard body.
  • WOWOWOW trim and fit and hot hot can squeeze those thighmuffs and make me purple anytime
  • Wow!  She works hard on that body!  It ; Great
  • Mmmmmmmmm Sweet !!!!!! can we see yur fun toy's too ,,, thanks , ncdave28570@
  • What a hot body ; Can't believe that you are as old as your profile ; You definitely need to keep posting and don't wait till next summer.
  • FitnessJoanne, Hi, your face is fine, you could  grow your hair out if you want a more feminine look, but that depends on what you want. I agree that your body is incredible and sexy as hell. I would follow you all around the beach too looking at that amazing ass. Age 64 is unbelievable, you are so hot. Thanks for sharing and please keep em coming and keep me cumming.
  • 64 yo??? really? Incredible!   Superb!! Congratulations!
  • rebbi4u, ..I know don't have a pretty face but OMG … Even I get off looking at my Incredible Body !!! It really is so beautifully sculpted …..Lots of hard work to  get here but I have created a Art receive incredible compliments ( like yours ))Thank you so much ! I am literally surrounded by admirers when I am on the beach!
  • Well hello Ms Hot Bod.
  • WOW ! totally hot !
  • body of a goddess... face of a (dare not criticize)
  • First words out of my mouth, Now that's fuckin' nice!
  • And add me to all those in love!
  • try that in SW Fla and you will get citations. (MsZ has found out the hard way several times.....)
  • Great body, very nice. Surprised I never saw her there. Spent a lot of time on that beach some summers.