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Posted by:  KG

Jan 2, 2019

wife has hands tied to bedpost and is getting fingered by a friend.

All Comments (13)
  • She has a Hot Ass!!!!!
  • 54Katana, I shall try to accomodate. This happens a couple of times a year, usually with a different friend.
  • tststs, I have, and he has gotten to lick her from head to toe.
  • Can't see the fingers. Invite him back and take more pictures.
  • I'd love to see more of that scene! 54katana@
  • legsfeettoes, you are now! 
  • Wish I were your friend!
  • Thats because the photos that matched the narrative were not accepted - not sure why, still learning this shit. Still a fine ass, don't look if for some reason it gets you upset.
  • I agree with Robert84x - No match to Narrative
  • Worst start for this year
  • Terrible photography and pictures don't match the narrative - seems like a fake to me.
  • It looks like Redclouds was just pranked!!!!!
  • What a load of crap.

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