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Posted by:  Peepeyesho

Jan 18, 2019

Don't see the smaller sized cocks getting some and maybe its because they are avoiding the possible ridicule and mean spirited trolls that always need to talk trash upon others less fortunate or whatever society has deemed to be better. Whatever the reason for the lack of representation in this small or non existent niche (pun intended) of Average to below average or "Little dicks". Hell let's invite the tiny dicks to join too. I'm taking the proud stand against the norm cause us little dicks in the world need, want and get love too and I bet we all record it as well. So hopefully everyone will start posting their standard sized cocks getting laid and help change the mind of society.  A tighter pussy is much more impressive than a big cock stretching them out.  after all. we all know a baby can come out of it. But can that pussy still make any sized cock cum? My ex shown here sure could. Can yours? or is it a cavernous air pocket that only takes circus cocks? If so.. join the circus then.

All Comments (13)
  • Hell lady... thanks for sharing! 
  • MOST WOMEN ARE GOOD WITH AVERAGE  I don't feel like im big but my wife says any bigger is to much . and the girls we have shared sure thinks its big surprises me . so don't sweat it most people with average or small wont post your good dude
  • Hey, 'ya got what 'ya got!  If it functions, you're good to ; Someone will think it's ; Depends on how you use it!
  • Thanks for all the comments. Not one of them was mean or talking crap. (hope it stays that way) That being said. What I wrote may have sounded like i was hating on big cocks or stretched out pussies. Which I wasn't really.. I wouldn't mind having a bigger cock. I mean unless you already are ,who wouldn't right? . But there are only a few things worse than hooking up with a girl only to feel how big her pussy is and all the pussy eating wouldnt matter to her if she is a size queen and jaded by porn. Guess porn has added to the insecurity  a bit but I get pussy and do quite ; Just need me a keeper. ..anyways I am rambling. I just wanted to say it's very refreshing to hear all the real world comments and experiences about something else besides woman only wanting big cocks. I wish there were more porn with 'average sized joes' being the theme. And with info like all of the comments so far used for the script. . If you all want to see some movie clips of my sexapades i am willing to share. and hope others might join and share and remind people that littledicksneed luv too and we're pretty good giving it as well.
  • Hey I have 6 1/2 nothing to brag about, I get my share, never any complaints but my neighbor has 4 inches, now my wife loves giving him blowjobs, he cums quick with big loads, other thing she likes him for is anal. is wife thinks my dick is huge LOL!!   It works for all of us!
  • Mine is average to average+. My woman tells me that she was in a relationship with a guy who had a huge dick, but had to break it off because the sex was just too painful. In all honesty, I think she values my imagination and willingness to perform oral sex, my companionship and emotional support, but mostly the income security I provide. Without the last, her eye would wander. She's not mercenary. Thousands of years of human social development have forced women to think that way.
  • I have a big cock and yet my wifes fuck buddy has a small cock he gets her to squirt every time he fucks her so small can be better sometimes 
  • treat all cocks with respect and you certainly look like you are doing a great job
  • If you use your tongue the right way, chicks won't miss a big dick
  • A noble effort and fantastic suggestion! It'll probably go the way of the "Twigi" or "heroine chic" model though.
  • Wish mine was as little as the one in the last pic....
  • Little??
  • gr8 job keep going.