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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Posted by:  Misc

Dec 20, 2019

Things We Have Seen from our archives 2..

All Comments (15)
  • Much love and respect to ALL women who have the self-confidence to go "topless" or "bottomless" or fully nude at public events!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 NOTE: "Pasties" and/or body paint do NOT count as "topless!"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     NOTE: Body paint and/or "butt floss" DOES NOT count as "bottomless!" NOT EVEN!
  • I sure wanna swallow the swallows .. this babe in pic 4 .. daam she is so gorgeous .. look at these awsum curves …is so dam erotic .. pic 7 the artist sure did a good job on turning that sexy damsel into a pumpkin fairy.. she has a gr8 smile n a sexy booty .. pic 9 witch is sumthin to be seated behind of on a broom... do u have more of the gals in pics 4 7 and  9.. please share ... thanks for the awsum contri ..Gaur ,, ggsexn@
  • what's not to like?   
  • perfect
  • Absolutely love the FF ; Please keep em coming!
  • Much respect to all women -- all ages (18+), all races, all shapes and all sizes -- who have the self-confidence to go out in public with their breasts fully exposed and their nipples and aureoles fully uncovered! 
  • Swallows was HOT!!
  • Tits are great
  • Nice sets!
  • Swallows I love it llllll superb 
  • Like to get with the pumpkin and the witch !!!!
  • All women are truly beautiful
  • Beautiful.
  • fabulous
  • I would have definitely asked the first girl if she swallows!