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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Posted by:  Ozymandias

Nov 27, 2012

All Comments (8)
  • What the hell's the matter with you, man?
  • How does the word, 'grotesque' sound?
  • Lol. Was this some sort of a contest?
  • Avast Mateys !!!! Man the harpoon !!!!!
  • I can't figure out how these SEA COWS keep from getting HARPOON WOUNDS or PROP CHOP marks!!!!!
  • Mature perving is fun. I'd look if I was at the beach. Thanks.
  • I had a boner till I opened this it's gone!
  • Don't really see a need to see fattys in swim suits. but the thin, sexys without swim suits were OK.