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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Posted by:  Yulianacrazy

Jun 4, 2020


All Comments (113)
  • Your cameraman needs to get in focus! You are so beautiful!
  • Fat ??? What fat ? You are stunning absolute perfection 
  • Absolutely love Your curves (Craneguy)
  • Your curves are your tiits and ass,, can I jerk off on them?
  • You must mean Phat curves, yes, you they certainly are!!
  • What fat curves?  You are as close to perfect as I've seen here in the umpteen years I've been ; You are stunningly ; Love your tan lines.
  • You look amazing.. Would love to see you in a pair of sexy heels
  • You are not fat! You are fucking gorgeous!!
  • very sexy body ! love your hot ass and legs
  • You have a Great ass!!
  • Great tan lines, bangin body!
  • Amazing body!!!
  • Curves? Yes! Fat? NO! You're stunning, can't get enough of you. Thank you for sharing.
  • What fat???  All I see is an amazingly beautiful woman with a perfect body. .