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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Posted by:  A Bebes

Sep 11, 2020

Here's some older action thats really hot. Took me awhile to track this ex of mine down to ask her if she would be okay with me posting to this site. Of course I had to work my way up to that since I haven't seen or talked with her in some years but after some time together catching up with memories. The spark was rekindled a bit and though I didn't get to make a new video with her. She was okay with me posting this one.  Nervous of community reactions here but I assured her most members are kind fun loving sex fiends that aren't mean spirited. And if anything, it would be me who would get the discouraging  comments and not her. Think you will all agree she's a beauty with skills and a sweet bubble ass.  Me on the other hand, I'm just trying my best. That being said, I'm Sorry for some of the blurry camera focus. I was trying to hold camera with my feet when she was riding me and couldn't adjust the focus in the heat of the moment. Still ultra hot and creamy view. Its memories like these that I realize just how lucky my Dittle Licky has been.  I can only imagine how much more fun I could've had with a bigger one.  ..Then again, I guess the grass doesn't need to be greener on other side when there is lush sweet landscaping  to enjoy on this side.. I've been lucky for sure and sharing some of that with the great members of  the Voyeurweb . So please enjoy this contribution . I call  this one "The Dittle Licky that could.. "  Have a great Labor day weekend and be safe everyone.

All Comments (59)
  • So delicious. Have you seen my new nudes?
  • What a deliciously wet and creamy pussy you have my dear
  • Boy, I bet you miss that fine pussy...
  • Dood, she's smokin' hot ... thanks for sharing!
  • With the back story, that's some awesome camera work for doing it with your feet. Such a sexy little ;
  • LuvTheLadies, .. but i did do both.. working on the 3rd part though. she is a bit discouraged but i am trying to encourage her . she wants to be 1st place. maybe a shorter video is what members prefer. i for one wish all submissions could be longer in time. maybe its just size thing. what ever the case may be.. i still think i can i think i can i think i can.. pleasing members has been harder than pleasing my girlfriends. hopefully i will post a worthy video that can rank in the top 3 before i run out of content and or willing participants in posting here.
  • damn she is fun and sexy
  • WOW! That is one fabulous ; Maybe you could reignite your relationship!  It is sure worth a try. That girl is beautiful and talented!
  • She shouldn't worry about comments on here! More. More!
  • she seems like a great chick, I nearly came in the first 20 sec just looking at her ass, but that pussy with vibrator in ass looks so juicy and tasty, could eat that all night.
  • You’re right... fuck, or film! You can’t do both!!! SHE is fantastic!!! You’ve GOT to talk her into more videos!!!
  • Perfect!
  • Wow, why did you let her go, she is awesome at everything! 
  • Awesome video, love the first scene with the tight ass and ; Please post more videos.
  • random semi-colons suck - enjoyed the show

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