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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Posted by:  Lien

Oct 15, 2020

Just a short video of my sexy Asian girlfriend with her skirt pulled up and panties pulled down..

All Comments (30)
  • Who wants to fuck?
  • FIRST THINGS FIRST! 1) Lien has a beautiful bottom ("ass") and pussy! 2) I wish that was my hand exploring Lein's pussy, buttocks cleavage ("butt crack") and anus ("ass hole")! 3) Is that a tampon string we see from :10 through :12?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Brava and much respect to Lien for her self-confidence in displaying her bottom ("ass"),  pussy and buttocks cleavage ("butt crack") so beautifully!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                I hope we will find more full nude photos and full nude videos of Lien on Memory Lane and elsewhere on VoyeurWeb. YES! 
  • ziixzwxbtv, if your pussy feels like it is "in fire" you could have Monkey Pox! See a medical professional for treatment before you do any more "FREE BLOWJOB or VIRT SEX!" 
  • Very exciting view !
  • Superb woman!I would live to kiss&lick her ass&pussy ,she is amazing
  • I’d like to see more of you!
  • That is sooo tempting!!
  • Lovely butt :)  Would enjoy doggie and then leave cum on that sweet butt :)
  • I wanna put my nose between those cheeks and my tongue up her ass!
  • That was so hot until you got ;
  • NIAM, NIAM...
  • holy hell!! I'm in loooooooooooooove
  • Mmmmmmm,I'd love to h
  • Yummy
  • I know she is beautiful from ". in Shower" from Sept 17th! This one was a little too dark and grainy to see anything. Nice crack of an ass, but spread those cheeks and let us see that sweet little pink pussy or tight asshole. Thanks for sharing your naughty side, hope to see more of you!

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