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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Posted by:  Jenny

Mar 22, 2021

I'm back. Many of you have written to me to continue. So be it. At the next contest there will be completely new pictures. Let yourself be surprised. Thank you for your encouragement!

All Comments (67)
  • Is anyone up for sex?
  • Beim Amblick deiner süßen möse läuft einem das Wasser im Mund zusammen 
  • I am in lust with you!!!!
  • I am glad you are ; You are one of my ; very hot
  • Looked at maybe 50 sets of photos this morning. Yours got me to pull my pants down and have some fun. Thank You!
  • SUPERB: Welcum baaaaack Jenny ... LEGGS ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ UPP!!!!! Masterful photos ♫ Ooooh, what a lucky man he IS Ooooh ♫
  • So beautiful and your body is awesome! 
  • sexy! love that ass
  • Thanks for being back and bringing joy and your natural sensuality to us
  • Wow!
  • I am so very happy that you listen to your fans doll as you really do manage an inviting photo! Love a taste!
  • Love your ; Thanks!
  • really pretty clit, but that anus is what I want!
  • wow!!! so freaking sexy!!!!!
  • you are nasty! i luv it!