we were out for a sunday walk in nature. we had parked our car near a farm bilding. when we got back to the car anna neede a quick pee so she went behind our car. my cellphone was ready when her fountain started to sprinkle. what i hadn't noticed was a group of families approaching from behind and the moment anna pulled up her jeans they turned up coming from the driveway leading to the farm.... oh dear, they might have seen everything
two seconds befor being caught
Posted by: anna
Feb 10, 2022
we were out for a sunday walk in nature. we had parked our car near a farm bilding. when we got back to the car anna neede a quick pee so she went behind our car. my cellphone was ready when her fountain started to sprinkle. what i hadn't noticed was a group of families approaching from behind and the moment anna pulled up her jeans they turned up coming from the driveway leading to the farm.... oh dear, they might have seen everything