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Posted by:  Fruti

Jun 10, 2022

Look what I found for all who requested a longer video displaying some hair down there! This is an old one, maybe from 10-12 years ago, when I was in my mid twenties. I’m sure about it because back then I didn’t shave, just trimmed my pussy, and still wore panties LOL. I wish my camera resolution was better, but you can get the idea of how wet and horny I was. I hope you enjoy it!

All Comments (7)
  • Fruti, you’ve always managed to get me hard!
  • I love a swollen hairy wet ; Very nice.
  • Nice hairy pussy well masturbated 
  • Oh, it looks so delicious. I would love to smell and taste the glory.
  • Superb, and I loved the way your finger easily slipped in your wet and ready pussy, well done!!!
  • God How I want You SEXY LAWYER... Your BODY is Fantastic Your Pussy Devine and ohh I bet it is sooo tight and so tasty... You don't show Your face but I am sure You are GORGEOUS   UMMM I have watched Your pics for Years on RC/VW  I LUST/LOVE YOU   Sean Carey   jamest10 @verizon .net  
  • Love to play with you
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