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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Posted by:  brokenfix

Dec 9, 2012

All Comments (23)
  •  Of course "They look so posed and not really into each other," Husband. They are two paid models being paid to do these poses. If they were "into each other" they wouldn't be looking at the photographer/viewer. "Pass?" Yes! Next contestant please! 
  • Pumped-up tits = POOR!!
  • Pass. They look so posed and not really into each other.
  • I hope there is more! And I hope there is some for RC!
  • don't waste our time, shitty contribution
  • More more more
  • Wild and sexy pics... of course you have wet my appetite and I would love to see more of you two hot sexy women... thanks et
  • I would NOT F**K either of these creatures with Egor's dick!
  • Teagan and Sarah "All the things she said" cums to mind. Yes I do want more. And I can not decide which one ... so I would take u both!!!
  • WTF
  • OMG girls you're really sexy. And you're right: I want more. Please. ghostkastel@
  • Nice tits on you both and to much metal on you both too.
  • absolutely gorgeous pair ....times 2
  • TPT
  • Put them in a trash bag and let the trash man have them, just put two bags over their heads or else the trash man will leave them, even he won't want them. This is pure UGLY!!!!!!!