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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Posted by:  Marie

Oct 5, 2023

Filled up 

All Comments (7)
  • Would lap up every drop!
  • YUM I love to eat creampies the only thing better than eating creampies is sucking cock and eating cum  seanette55 @ protonmail . com  Buffalo, NY   14150    Sean Carey signing off not renewing due to too much censorship by the owners of this site. 15 year veteran of this sight .
  • Great fun time, wife and I just talking about that scenario, She had a long weekend with her FB and second day his brother showed up, she had them both for next couple days. FB has 9 inches and fat, brother had about 7 and ; Was first time she took all of FB in mouth by hanging head over edge of bed and him fucking her throat while his brother had her pussy. Was weekend she will never forget!
  • Very nice! Seems everyone had fun! I would love to join in on that party! I love the sight of your lovey lippy pussy dripping a fresh creampie! I would love to use that cum as lube for sloppy seconds! You are a fun loveing woman I would love to get together with! fordman @ flash. net
  • Looks like you have room for 1 more
  • Looks like someone ate it before I could!
  • I want to join in...

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