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Posted by:  Candice ATL

Dec 19, 2012


All Comments (34)
  • Can dice, you are a very sexy girl, please can we see lots more, maybe in homeclips too?
  • Great tease ,,,,could she ride a big fun toy for us too ?, "more please", thanks ncdave28570@
  • You are stunningly beautiful. WOW! Just not enough words to express how gorgeous you are honey. Lots more please!!!!
  • Now she is one hot milf
  • would love to see more of you your very sexy would love to eat the oysters from your body, how abouth some more photo's ?? Mr T thanks tdepoorter@
  • VERY beautiful women. Would love to see more...
  • LOOKING forward to next set. asap?
  • Smokin' hot babe!
  • Nice pics -- although they have that weird "instagram" look -- however, this is definitely NOT RC material !
  • Oh my god. I've seen a lot of female beauty in my life. This woman blows me away. I've never seen such a mixture of physical beauty and sensual beauty. Her eyes just you'd want to spend all day talking to her and, of course, making love to her
  • hey silver king lets meet at fountains send me an email
  • she is hot and i have a few more shots that show what ur all asking for
  • You are truly beautiful but it always amazes me that couple take the time to get the lighting just right and pick out the sexiest lingerie and then fail to remove the ugly tags haning off. It just cheapens the photo shoot.
  • Very sultery looking lady , hot !!
  • Fnck! 45 never looked so hot!!!Just looking makes my d!ck hurt.

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