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Posted by:  SheIs

Dec 24, 2012

Loving lingerie for a great cocksucker

All Comments (13)
  • Is this Linda Loveless and John Homes????
  • she's really a good blow job/pretty too
  • good bj
  • LITTLE ORAL ANNIE..............
  • wow super nice visual !!!! she is hot an fun, can she solo on a big fun toy for us too ? ncdave28570@
  • Given the coloration, it reminds of how greatgrandma used to please her man in their prime. Without such action, no ... you!
  • agree with dickie8, sensuality expressed just fine. sure, would have liked sound and a cumshot but a sexy woman sucking on a nice can fill in the blanks in my head. the only thing that would be better is if i were there and she was sucking on my equally big cock.
  • So ?
  • Strip the rags away next time & let her ride that tree trunk of a dick !!!!!!
  • It got me excited, and that's not easy to do, love the artsy film effect, her eagerness to please comes through very well, you are truly blessed to be so well endowed, the clip is first class all the way!
  • looks a lot like an old gf who was an art major. can see her making this.
  • Too bad for the B&W video. She did one helluva "job". Would have loved to see a climax after all that. Get them back for an encore and better filming. Bart P.
  • Okay, so it's black and white and it's not focused very well. Sometimes you gotta work with what you have. B&W can be very effective. The important thing here is that a good-looking woman is giving one helluva fine blow job to a very large cock. She looks like she's enjoying it. She does it very well. Why should we be critical over the "production values" of the film clip? How many of us have videos as good as this one to post? I wish I did, but I don't. I voted superb, because it was a superb BJ. I don't give a shit about the rest.