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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Posted by:  Cuteyhotty

Feb 15, 2024

My husband blessed me with 3 different nannies over the 4 years. They were all college girls so we gave them  8 to 12 month contracts to earn money and then go back to school. Of course they ended up doing some housework as well and they inevitably find my toys, my pictures, and overhear my private conversations. I didn’t plan on seducing them but they seemed to develop girl crushes on me because I treat them well and aside from their generous salaries, I give them advances, bonuses, and take them shopping for things they may not normally be able to afford.  Their curiousity gets the better of them and they are the ones that breach the subject of my wants , needs, and lifestyle. And things go from there. 

All Comments (11)
  • Where do I apply to be your nanny??? fordman @ flash. net
  • Is this also a video?
  • SWEET pics of those two together
  • I'd love to see more!  Two lovely ladies enjoying each other; what could be better?  Oh yeah, maybe fucking them both!  Thanks for sharing!
  • Eat that fat pussy!
  • Love the Two Girls, Face Blurring Technique SUCKS ...
  • wow , pretty big girls .
  • Rolly Polly's…
  • Let me get in the middle of you both
  • All of them are perfection and he is lucky!