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Posted by:  Micina87

Dec 27, 2012

All Comments (11)
  • If you suck my boobs I'll suck your cock
  • STILL TRUE IN 2022: How perfect that clip would have been if she had omitted the panties. Omitted the panties? Yes, omitted the panties!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  But she didn't (omit the panties) and so it wasn't (perfect). Right? Right!
  • jkynwjvxfa, if your pussy feels like it is "in fire" you're due for a quick trip to the free clinic. Go now!
  •  How perfect that clip would have been if she had omitted the panties.
  • Shake it but don't break it!!!  Looks boner material!!
  • A great tease at Cabo de Palos ;)
  • From your rating, you're in the running for Loser of the Day.
  • Admittedly she is a splendid woman but why post a rather silly video of her on here? You have submitted four dreadfully bad contris in as many days; give it a rest, eh?
  • is this what old people do for fun
  • What a waste of time to look at this stupid video. Show something next time. POOR VOTE!!!!
  • 10 seconds of a FLASH! You need a life IDIOT!

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