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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Posted by:  South Texas Cock Lover

Jan 3, 2013

STCL's hubby here with another retrospective set from 2003 celebrating TEN YEARS on RC!!! I once calculated how much semen I pumped into this woman in the course of a year - it was QUARTS. Back in the day, when younger, I used to stick her in one hole or another three to five times per day almost EVERY day! I know some will not believe, but if YOU could get a woman like STCL to do all this stuff... wouldn't YOU do it as often as your balls would allow??? I hope my wife makes you cum, too (of course, in most of these early pics, she's my GIRLFRIEND, still... I think I picked a winner). She's a good wife and and a breadwinner, too. She never fucks anybody else, unless I make her. The PERFECT slut wife!

All Comments (11)
  • Here's one for you! In the early years of our marriage, my wife & I fucked MORNING, NOON & NIGHT for seven straight days. I was tuckered out but it was worth it.
  • excellemt post. the wife and i just love the pics of your gorgeous pussy, oh how we would love to eat you up. your fans from the coastal bend
  • Always Superb!!! Hope you never change..
  • cant wait tell yall come back to texas !!!
  • Thank you for 10 wonderful is a better place with an amazing sl*t like you!!!!!! You are a GODDESS!!!!!! Keep them cumin' @
  • You are my favorite sl*t! John - kukuwa@
  • Stop!
  • Lovely filthy bitch: I have enjoyed her c*nt so much over the years, just wish i could f*ck it for real. Keep postin' hun!! xxx
  • Best Submissive hotwife on here.
  • She used to be a lot skinnier. Too many twinkies...
  • Thank you STCL... you will always be my ATF who I would love to lick and fuck!!

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