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Posted by:  Nadia

Jan 6, 2013

We are in the "quartier Latin " who is the students place of Paris. This is a neighborhood with many universities and very touristy

All Comments (17)
  • Superbes photos !!! Si vous souhaitez échanger avec un couple... mobutumobutu@ bises
  • Merci Nadia pour ces fantastiques photos. Le jardin du luxembourg ou devant le café de Flore, un samedi, c'est l'ame du Nude in Public. Encore bravos et merci de partager ces moments...
  • big deal a clam roll
  • The hell with the naysayers. Excellent post keep them coming and maybe give us a shot at the tits.
  • Personally, I thought grumpytoo's comment was constructive, not rude. Hey if don't like the comments, well..
  • Great pussy. How risky to show off the goods in public. Thanks for sharing. Love to see more. carolinalovin44@
  • Very nice pussy Nadia. Love to touch on posting please,
  • To grumpytoo : Your comment is stupid .Imagine the same to the Beatles in the 60 . " I don't like your music .look at the other singers what they do ". My poor friend . Nadia and me we make flashing in public pics and what other do we don't care .
  • i absolutely love it, its gtting on me,awwwww ty
  • cóol pussy flash pics in the city .. great ... please more
  • Great pictures, beautiful daring. Voted excellent
  • Grabby - Do your cats feel the same way ? Get a new line.
  • I voted excellent. Very adventuresome and truly public places.
  • With no face, a woman has no beauty, poor
  • Mes voeux à vous pour une merveilleuse année, avec de belles contributions sur vW , et qui sait ,vous croiser un jour sur la Bretagne ou dans l ouest ..angel dust et nadia ,je compte parmi vos plus grands admirateurs ,j espère que cette année vous serez propulsés vainqueurs de plusieurs à vous! Youn.

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