Right you are, FootMassage! Right you are! No nudity = Waste time, lose money, pound sand, suck wind, dry hustle, bum kicks! EPIC FAIL! Next contestant please!
Hey,a lot of places are filled with modest North American tourists, that's just what it is. We like the pics,and like the places in more if you have more pics from the beach bar ???
Some of you dumb fuckers need to look up the definition of voyeur. I says NOTHING about nudity! If you know, and you do, that there may be photos of something other than nudity, then skip this section and go to the section(s) you know will have nude shots. If you keep coming to this section, then that is your choice so shut the fuck up!
My Week in Jamaica
Posted by: Various
Jan 18, 2013
Here are a few of the women I saw on the beach in Jamaica.