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Posted by:  Beach Teens

Feb 5, 2013

They were coming out of the water and i had a James Bond moment from way back

All Comments (8)
  • Nice teens and big tits!! Love this vid!!
  • not naked, but very watchable
  • What a waste of fucking time! VW needs to do a little better screening this crap!
  • Gee, the last time I checked the defination for voyeur was still to observe, to oggle, or to watch from a distance. If you guy's think they have too m,uch on, then why are you not going to the beach trusty kodak in hand and coming back wiht your own Yes, they are two gorgeous young ladies who choose to leave very little to the ...
  • Not nearly enough skin. To much vertical compression and stalling. Hit chicks though.
  • A James Bond moment??? Obviously, you haven't gotten laid yet, you fucktard...
  • Nice tits!!!
  • This is VoyeurWeb, not the Sears catalog. It's not that they're not hot; it's that we aren't seeing enough of them!

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