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Posted by:  Sue

Feb 9, 2013

This a surprise for my hubby (for Valentine's Day)...He asked me to go to his photographer- his friend and have some shots done of my naked breasts. Well, we did that and more... Studio staff (him and his two 20yrs old male assistants) liked me so much that I ended up having sex with one of them whilst I let two others to sqeeze my breasts.

All Comments (12)
  • Sue sei estasiante vorrei essere li con te per leccarti bere tutti i tuoi umori e penetrarti ovunque. invece sono qui a masturbarmi guardando le foto di una donna ammaliante arrapante conturbante. ltanimoso@
  • Kidding, right? Ho Hum.
  • AMAZING.. Oh not her, the photographs.. Seems everything in the photos is sharp and clear EXCEPT for her???? WTFO?
  • Nice... fucking the photographer and giving your husband a valentine... While you were doing that your husband was probably fucking some bitch half your
  • Nice pair of saggy tits. Let's do a video for your husband. I'll fuck you in your ass and then you can suck my cock.
  • Sue, yopur story is a delight. I await the rest of the story and moire photos if your beautifdul body, and vI long to see your un-blured fgasce too. Be proud of your husband in getting to to free up your sensuality, and sexual confidence and enjoy life with him. geno1@
  • Ha Ha ! You guys are so funny! I love the comments on this one!
  • A SUPERB 10 all the way A Magnificent Golden Blonde Goddess I would love to take you in my arms and cover every inch of your magnificent, perfect, naked body with passionate hot wet kisses Michael michaelpatrick55@
  • If we all "Flag as inappropriate" GRABBY's post he will have no say. It only takes 3 flags for GRABBY to go "POOF"
  • A woman without a face has no beauty, poor.
  • Just goes to show that some people would fuck anything.
  • Looks like stills from the fake porn auditions

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