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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Posted by:  BeachLuck

Mar 7, 2013

First time trying to take photos on a crowded beach. It was hard not to get caught by the ladies or other people around. Was fun any way. The ladies were matures with large boobs. Enjoy.

All Comments (10)
  • Please tell us it's also your LAST contri. At least until your taste in women improves and you can stop smearing their faces out of focue. Otherwise, they are shitty pics.
  • Faceless pics are worthless here IMHO - I ALWAYS vote POOR on the contra the instant I see a blurred face
  • Next time, don't go to Heffer Beach.
  • Blur = POOR vote!
  • everyone on the beach saw her face. So why can't we?
  • Not bad looking matures. Those who complain have probably ever fucked one either. As Mikey says TRI IT YOU'LL LIKE IT!!
  • Migration of the whales?
  • without a face I hope it is the last.
  • large boobs... and lumpy arses
  • ARE YOU NUTS?????? LOL